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Let There Be Light: The Sled Dog Series, Book 2

  Let There Be Light

  The Sled Dog Series, Book 2

  Melissa Storm

  © 2017, Partridge & Pear Press

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only; it may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

  Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or the author has used them fictitiously.

  Editor: Megan Harris

  Proofreaders: Jasmine Bryner & Becky Muth

  Partridge & Pear Press

  PO Box 72

  Brighton, MI 48116

  To Angi, Megan, and Mallory-

  * * *

  Good friends will take you all the way! You have been there for me, my friends, my support team, my lights. Thank you for believing enough in this journey to take it alongside me.


  Free Gift

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45



  Also by Melissa Storm

  About the Author


  Thank you for picking up your copy of Let There Be Light. I so hope you love it! As a thank you, I’d like to offer you a free gift. That’s right, I’ve written a short story that’s available exclusively to my newsletter subscribers. You’ll receive the free story by email as soon as you sign up at I hope you’ll enjoy both books. Happy reading!

  Melissa S.

  Scarlett watched until Lauren’s sled became nothing more than a pinpoint on the horizon. Her best friend had found a new life living amongst the world Scarlett longed to join for herself.

  Ever since she had accepted the job as an Anchorage librarian and moved from her tiny hometown in Texas all the way north, the Iditarod had been one of Scarlett’s foremost passions—along with books, of course. And now she was here, best friends with one of the top racers to watch… but watching from the sidelines.

  To her, the snow glimmered with magic, the winds hinted at adventure, and helping the dogs fulfill their purpose gave her one of her own. The main problem, of course, was that dog sledding was not a sport that could be taken up casually. Her friend, Lauren, had left everything about her old life behind when she chose to become a handler for the infamous Shane Ramsey, who had since transformed into her doting husband and committed race coach.

  But none of that exactly helped to bring Scarlett clarity.

  Could she really starve one passion to feed another? Ultimately, racing for herself would mean quitting her job as a librarian, possibly to never return. Books were just too special for her to willingly cast aside.

  She still fondly remembered herself as a five-year-old girl hanging on the arm of her papa’s recliner as he taught her how to sound out the words splashed across the front page of the local Sentinel. She’d learned so much more than how to read—she’d learned the power of stories, the power of words.

  Writing these words herself had never been on the table. She preferred to live out her adventures, either vicariously or in reality, which was what had also drawn her to the great race as she’d begun to learn about her new home state.

  Now that she was also best friends with an actual musher, Scarlett’s longing intensified. She’d always been happy to live between the pages, but now she craved the open air, the rushing winds, the slick drive across the snow.

  Lauren was so happy, and Scarlett knew she could be, too. But she also didn’t know how to bring this dream into actuality. Perhaps she would figure it out one day, or perhaps she would forever be stuck between two worlds, not knowing to which she truly belonged.

  Her phone buzzed in her coat pocket, and she bit the thumb of her glove to pry it off her hand so she could press the teeny, tiny button to answer.

  “Scarlett, you’re going to have to go without me,” her friend, Liz, announced without preamble.

  “Without you? But we go together every year!” she argued, referring to the Miners and Trappers Ball that celebrated the start of the annual race.

  “I know, I know. I’m so sorry.” At least Liz did sound genuinely apologetic about the last-minute change of plans. “I would be there if I could, but something has come up.”

  This wasn’t like her usually reliable friend, and that worried her. “Is everything okay?” Scarlett asked, fearing the worst.

  “Yeah, it will be fine. I’ll tell you more when I know more. I wouldn’t cancel if it weren’t important. You know that.”

  “I do, and don’t worry about me. I can hang out with Shane and Rosie.”

  “Oh, pfffhew. Good. Okay. I’ll talk to you later. Have a great time at the ball, Cinderella!”

  Scarlett laughed as they hung up. She and Liz Benjamin had made fast friends almost immediately after Scarlett arrived in town. Her father, Ben Benjamin, served as one of the race officials and always had the best access to insider events, like the Miners and Trappers Ball. Liz had never much cared for racing, having grown up with it as a constant, but she was happy to help indulge Scarlett’s interests.

  That’s what good friends did, after all. And as a good friend, Scarlett needed to feel happy for Lauren rather than envy her success.

  With one last glance toward the horizon where she had last seen Lauren and the other racers charge forth toward Nome, she buried the piece of her heart that belonged to this sport and headed home to find a good book to cozy up with for the night.

  Tomorrow was the ball, and she wouldn’t miss it for the world.

  Scarlett placed a hand on her stomach and sucked in a deep breath as she stood outside the hall, working up the nerve to go inside. She’d attended the ball for the past few years, but never on her own.

  Shane had texted earlier to let her know he’d be late. His ex-wife was creating trouble when it came to collecting their daughter, Rosie, and he’d promised the little girl she could come and be a princess for the night.

  This meant Scarlett was totally alone, except for the sea of acquaintances that flanked her on every side—not all of them recognizable in their costumes to match this year’s theme.

sing up had never been required for the ball, but Scarlett had always thrown herself into the theme full-force. Last year they’d gone as glammed up lumberjacks, and the year before they arrived dressed in homage to Buzzwinkle, the local trouble-making moose.

  Oh, the compliments they’d received that time!

  For tonight, they had planned sexy Yeti costumes. Scarlett’s was far more modest than Liz’s, but she still felt awkward about arriving alone in such a bold getup. Instead, she’d opted for a floor-length formal gown she had worn as a bridesmaid a few years back.

  She inhaled another deep breath as she reached into her tiny clutch purse and pulled out her hulking iPhone. Activating selfie mode, she checked her makeup and hair, both of which were definitely overdone upon second glance. As much as she enjoyed socializing, she was by nature an introvert and spending time with people she only knew in passing quickly exhausted her.

  Breathe in.

  She held the air inside her lungs as she broke through the throngs at the entry and into the main event. She let her breath out again once she’d confirmed that everyone’s eyes hadn’t drifted toward and then stayed with her. Silly to think that everyone would stop enjoying themselves to stare her way, but that kind of thing often happened in books, so it felt like a real enough possibility.

  Just in case, she took a slow, sweeping view of the hall, only to notice that her fears were not entirely unfounded. In the far corner, she spotted an unfamiliar face fixed intently on her. Scarlett didn’t recognize him despite her obsession with the sport and general familiarity with its players, and she doubted he recognized her.

  No, if she’d met this man before, she would certainly remember. Everything about him had obviously been arranged to leave an impression. His dark hair was heavily styled into a sleek wave above his forehead. The tuxedo he wore was meticulously pressed and perfectly matched the shoes that shone proudly on his feet. The plaid kerchief tucked into his pocket was the only indication he’d considered the night’s Northern theme.

  Scarlett felt like a fish out of water as she glanced down at her dark purple gown with faux jewels laid boldly along the neckline. She’d worked her white blonde hair into a French twist and borrowed a pair of big dangly chandelier earrings to go with it.

  And the stranger’s eyes were still on her. She felt them as she walked toward the open bar and requested a lime and seltzer.

  She felt them as she found her assigned table and took a seat. Even still, she felt them as she checked her text messages for an update from Shane.

  When at last she could take it no more, she decided she’d rather have a few very awkward minutes of confrontation than an entire evening spoiled by his unforgiving gaze.

  She rose suddenly before she could change her mind, snagging the bottom of her gown on the chair’s leg but thankfully not falling or tearing it in the process.

  Making direct eye contact, she strode over to him, hoping she looked as confident as he seemed to feel. For the seemingly endless eternity of her walk along the edges of the dance floor, his eyes remained on her, tracking each step. His face gave away nothing.

  Scarlett needed to know why.

  Scarlett’s heels clacked against the marble floor as she pressed through the crowd in her attempts to reach the enigmatic stranger who’d thus far refused to let her out of his sight.

  A wan smile inched from one of his cheeks to the other as at last she came to stand face-to-face with him.

  Now that she was closer, she saw that his eyes were mismatched. She’d read about the rare and enviable trait of heterochromia, but had only ever seen in dogs and cats before tonight.

  One crystalline blue eye resembled the sky on a sunny day. The other swirled with bright amber and green. She didn’t know where to look or what to say.

  And he seemed in no hurry to help her out. Placing a hand inside his suit jacket, he continued to watch her—to wait. His smile slowly broadened like a flower opening its petals to face the sun. Not just any flower, though—something carnivorous or with thorns. She honestly didn’t know whether she felt intrigued or enraged by his easy confidence, especially since it was so opposite to her own nature.

  She took in a deep breath and widened her stance to ground herself, make sure she didn’t lose her nerve and run away before learning more. The sweet scent of lavender and honeysuckle flooded her nostrils. Was this him? It felt so at odds with what she saw standing before her that she lost hold of the tirade she’d prepared on her way over.

  A heat rose to her cheeks, and she knew they must be burning as bright red as her name. What was she doing? Why was she still standing there speechless? Why had this strange man already gotten so far under her skin?

  There was only one way to find out…

  “Do I know you?” she demanded, her voice meeker than she’d hoped, but at least she’d said something now.

  “Not yet,” he answered glibly, removing his hand from his jacket and extending it toward her. “But you will.”

  Startled, she accepted by placing her own newly manicured hand into his. All the air whooshed from her lungs as he pulled her in tight to his chest.

  Things like this didn’t happen to Scarlett Cole. This right here was straight out of a book, straight out of many books. It wasn’t how her real life was lived. She was a small-town librarian, not a wealthy debutante, and definitely not a member of the royal family.

  Still, in that moment she became a living princess.

  An angry princess.

  “You didn’t say please,” she pointed out as he walked her toward the center of the dance floor and moved them seamlessly into a dance.

  Oh, what a childish thing to say at such a grownup moment, she chided herself. Yet somehow it felt better than saying nothing at all. Words were her only power against this overpowering man, and she needed any that managed to come to her.

  “I didn’t know I needed to,” he answered with a chuckle, the two clashing colors of his right eye seemed to dance along with them.

  “Who are you?” She tensed in his arms upon realizing that she knew nothing about her new dance partner, only that he was here and his very presence did strange things to both her mind and body.

  His answer came fast and smooth like the tracks on a sled across fresh snow. “A handsome stranger.”

  “Tell me your name,” she rasped, feeling her words leaving her once again. As much as they comforted her, they gave her no strength. He paid them no heed.

  He smiled across at her, for in her heels, she easily matched his height. Their eyes locked as he declared, “It’s not important. Just dance.”

  And so they did.

  And Scarlett fell more and more under his indomitable spell as the music carried them through the night.

  As the man with no name moved Scarlett across the dance floor, she felt her tension lighten and eventually float away into the tall ceilings above. Some moments were a gift for the future, ones meant to look back on often and relive fondly. Others, like this night, were gifts of the present. They needed to be enjoyed while they lasted and then pushed to the back archives of the mind, retrieved if and when it ever became necessary to look back.

  She silenced her voice, a feat on its own, but even more remarkably, she let her thoughts rest as well. In that moment, she belonged to the music, to this stranger, to the night.

  He pulled her closer, bringing his lips to her ear. “You want to kiss me,” he informed her.

  And she realized that maybe she did but wasn’t sure how she felt about him announcing it to her like this, especially considering they’d only just met that evening.

  She shifted subtly in his arms. Her body wanted to conform to his will, but everything in her spirit now resisted.

  The spell was broken.

  “How do you know what I want?” She pulled back to add distance between them. It was the only way to make sure her body didn’t rebel and kiss him anyway as he’d so boldly suggested.

  “It’s written all over your fa
ce, in every curve of your body. I’m simply putting words to the feeling. It’s one we share.”

  She shook him off when he tried to resume the dance. “I’m not sure why,” she hissed, “but I thought you were a gentleman. I do what I want when I want, not when I’m told by some guy who won’t even give me his name.”

  “Relax. You’ve misunderstood me.” He tried to take her in his arms again, and she pulled away again.

  As her rage grew, her power returned. The shy, wilting Scarlett had officially left the building, and in her place was the girl who was used to being the heroine of every story, especially her own.

  “Stop. I no longer wish to dance,” she said, jabbing a finger into his broad chest. “That’ll show me to dance with a man who can’t even ask appropriately. Have a good rest of your night.”

  She stormed off through the crowd, the others too lost in their own enjoyment to notice the passing tempest.

  He did not pursue her. Still, his eyes weighed heavily on her as she moved across the hall, trying to cut loose the anchor of desire that tied her to him.

  “Scarlett!” a little voice cried as it raced toward her, and its speaker clasping small arms around her hips.

  “Sorry we’re so late,” Shane Ramsey said. “Isabel…” As he mentioned his ex-wife’s name, he gave Scarlett a look that luckily escaped Rosie’s notice. His ex had a way of ruining all the most special moments between the father and daughter, and she doubted Shane was even still surprised by that maddening woman’s interference. Scarlett certainly wasn’t.